A boy in a chef's hat is holding a tray of cookies.

Crafting Delicious Cookies Since 2016

Since 2016, I have been creating homemade cookies infused with warmth and hospitality. With recipes that have earned blue ribbons and grand champion honors, I take pride in using only the finest ingredients and packaging each cookie with loving care. As a vendor at the Havre de Grace Farmers Market since 2017, it brings me immense joy to share my passion for baking with you through my cookie sales!

The Baking Skills Training Program

The baking skills training program, in partnership with Missions of Hope International (www.mohiafrica.org), was officially launched in early 2020, offering students not just culinary skills but also a pathway to hope and empowerment for their futures. Through the program, students have the opportunity to earn various certifications in baking, as well as receive culinary and hospitality training.

Making a Difference One Cookie at a Time

Establishing New Classes

The success of the program led to the establishment of three additional training classes, one in rural Turkana in 2023, one along the coast in Kiwandani in January 2024, and another outside of Nairobi in Joska in May 2024. Through these classes, I provide onsite encouragement, share new recipes, and talk with the dedicated staff on the continued growth of the program.

Making a Difference

Through the simple act of enjoying a cookie, your support is a vital part of my partnership with Missions of Hope. Thank you for joining me in spreading hope one cookie at a time. Questions? Check out the FAQ page.

Making a Difference One Cookie at a Time